St. Therese Women's Association

2017-2018 Board and Missions
President - Pam LaFerte Secretary - Melanie Reyna​
Treasurer - Charlotte CdeBaca Church Flowers - Virginia Durrin​
Church Cleaning - Pam LaFerte ACCW - Virginia Durrin
​Funeral Receptions - Cea DeDonato and Marge Zach
This organization works within the St. Therese Catholic community and is concerned with the care and support of the St. Therese sanctuary, sacristy and church needs. These might include, but are not limited to: furnishings, sacred articles, liturgical supplies and floral needs.
Guilds may be organized to further these objectives. Multiple guilds currently operate at varous meeting times and places. Guild membership is not required to assist with the organizations objectives. Nor is membership in the general Altar Society restricted to women.
Each guild is comprised of women who serve and support the many activities of the Women’s Association and Parish. Many members are active in the ACCW (Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women). You will surely find a guild that offers the right activities and meeting times for you. Or start your own Guild by asking friends to join you in serving your parish. Current guilds include: St Jude Guild, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Guild, St. Francis Guild, St. Patrick Guild.
Helping hands are always needed with funeral receptions, church cleaning, and flower arranging or donations. For more information on how you may assist with the many taks of this group, please call the parish office for current contact information.
Fundraisers may include: A Fall Tea and Fashion Show and a Spring Salad Luncheon and Fashion Show.